■ URL of the blog page where the infringing contents are located
There are two types of URLs for pages on livedoor Blog: A. blog pages intentionally made by the blog administrator and B. automatically generated pages.
If transmission is blocked for A. blog pages intentionally made by the blog administrator, distribution will also be automatically be blocked for the relevant portions on B. automatically generated pages.
The home page and list of articles page are examples of B. automatically generated pages.
(i) How to distinguish intentionally created blog pages
The format for standard blog page URLs is as follows, but there are also non-standard URLs. http://blog.livedoor.jp/●●●●/archives/◯◯◯◯.html
Please use the following method for checking the HTML source to distinguish intentionally created blog pages.
How to view the HTML source
- Open the respective blog page in your browser
- You will see the following in the HTML source in the case of intentionally created blog pages:
articles : [ {
id : ‘52467810’,
permalink : ‘http://help.blogpark.jp/archives/52467810.html’,
title : ‘How to indicate URLs’,
categories : [ { id:’50053185’, name:’Infringement of rights’, permalink:’http://help.blogpark.jp/archives/cat_50053185.html’ }, { id:’’, name:’’, permalink:’’ } ],
date : ‘2016-10-19 20:40:09’
} ]
The part below in bold is the standard URL for an intentionally created blog page.
articles : [ {
id : ‘52467810’,
permalink : ‘http://help.blogpark.jp/archives/52467810.html’,
title : ‘How to indicate URLs’,
categories : [ { id:’50053185’, name:’Infringement of rights’, permalink:’http://help.blogpark.jp/archives/cat_50053185.html’ }, { id:’’, name:’’, permalink:’’ } ],
date : ‘2016-10-19 20:40:09’
} ]
- articles will be blank, as in the following, in the case of an automatically generated page.
articles : [ ]
■ Item in dispute
(i) In the case of an image
In the case of an image, please send its URL.
Blog page in question:
Image in dispute:
(ii) In the case of a comment, please indicate this in a way in which the contents of the comment can be clearly seen.
Please be aware that we cannot address your claim if the posted text is not clearly visible.
If there are multiple comments, please mark them when sending.
Please send a screenshot with the relevant section marked.